فارسی عربي


Film buff dedicates 2k Iranian movies

An Iranian film enthusiast dedicates 2,000 movies made after the Islamic Revolution to Iran Cinema Museum in Tehran. 

The film buff from the holy city of Mashhad gave his movies to the film archive research center for Iran Cinema Museum. 

The Cinema Museum is unique as a public research institution showcasing the history of the film industry and documenting records relating to Iranian cinema.

He hung on to the idea of collecting his dedicated archive as “a labor of love and passion for Iran Cinema,” the film enthusiast told the domestic media.

After careful consideration of his choices, he finally “ended up dedicating the collection to Iran Cinema Museum,“ Abolfazl Hosseini also noted.

Hosseini’s collection includes films made by famous Iranian directors such as Davoud Mirbagheri, Mohamad-Ali Najafi, Sirous Alvand and Masoud Kimiyaee.

The archive for Iran Cinema Museum’s research center is a rich reservoir of Iranian cinema, which is about to be categorized and digitalized.

Considered as one of the most glamorous tourist spots in Iranian capital city of Tehran, the Cinema Museum is a beautiful old house in a fascinating garden with a great cinema. If you are interested in the history of film coupled with an absorbing level of great nature, you will feel home at this place.

